The GDPR is an example of modern and technologically neutral legislation, whose meaning and relevance evolve along with technological progress, including artificial intelligence. Fallacy and claims The claim that the law is not precise enough to Iceland Phone Number List regulate complex technologies and that a law that does not go absolutely into the details of precise and user-friendly code cannot be a good law is another fallacy on the part of programmers. By definition, the democratic law-making process is an agreement. The GDPR was negotiated, during Iceland Phone Number List the parliamentary procedure, on the basis of almost 4,000 individual suggestions for improvement. Laws are (generally) made by reasonable people and, in the event of a legal conflict, interpreted by reasonable judges.
This open process of law making and subsequent interpretation gives the law flexibility to adapt to new circumstances. Laws do not have to be rewritten Iceland Phone Number List over and over again like programming codes, which must be constantly revised from version 1.0 onwards. To put it bluntly: requiring a law to be as precise or as quickly updateable as programming code is undemocratic. This requirement ignores both the principle of deliberation Iceland Phone Number List and agreement in a democracy and the time required for due process.
Incidentally, lobbyists had no problem assessing the various GDPR drafts in completely contradictory ways: on the one hand, as too vague to create Iceland Phone Number List legal certainty, and on the other, as too detailed and not sufficiently open and flexible. These conflicting criticisms prove that the law should be avoided at all costs by resorting to disrepute. The claim that the law is too inflexible to keep pace with technological developments is basically a Iceland Phone Number List more elegant way of paraphrasing what neoliberals have always said: we don't want any legal obligation, because then we could be held liable. Otherwise, those who advocate an ethics of artificial intelligence say the same thing.